A resource recovery bin

A resource recovery bin

The project proposes that water bottles would be collected from around NYC to be locally shredded, ground into plastic powder, and solar rotationally molded into resource bins. The manufacturing process would consist of sunlight reflecting directly onto a rotating mold, making two bins per mold with zero emissions. By combining the existing proven technologies of sorting, shredding, and solar rotationally molding recycled polyethylene, RePETE Resource Bins would create a cyclical system for a more sustainable city.

The concept also comes with an Augmented Reality feature that provides educational opportunities to improve collection and sorting, and allows users to locate bins throughout the city.





Product Design

We created the design for the RePETE project, which optimizes the solar-powered rotational molding process by which it’s fabricated. The bins are designed for functionality, durability, and ergonomic performance.

Plastic Bins are molded in translucent blue, green and black to correspond with NYC’s current recycling collection system. The holes drilled into the bin are large enough for liquid drainage but small enough to prevent larger rodents. The recycled stainless steel provides an attractive, durable, skid-resistant, protective support structure. The bottom rim allows for several additional lift areas reducing back bend of the sanitation workers during collection. Lastly, the bins are designed for disassembly so that when the bins eventually do reach the point of repair, individual components can be fixed and replaced as needed.

Go ahead and explore the design in 3D. Open it in full screen, navigate it, explode the installation to reveal its diverse components, and more.