Locally designing and making products with recycled plastic and solar power

By means of portable, renewably powered MicroFactories, Circular Economy Manufacturing locally produces well designed products from sustainable material cycles for the Circular Economy.

Solar energy is collected and stored to then shred single-use plastic, transforming it through an innovative rotational molding process into durable eco-friendly products.





Manufacturing Process: The MicroFactory

We designed and developed the Circular Economy Manufacturing MicroFactory which consists of a portable shipping container in which recycled plastic can be shredded, washed and rotationally molded to produce consumer and city products.

Go ahead and explore the design in 3D. Open it in full screen, navigate it, explode the installation to reveal its diverse components, and more.


Product Design

We designed a large collection of products for the startup, all of which can be made using their particular innovative manufacturing process and are specific to the target tri-state population.

Circular Economy Model

Circular Economy Model

We created a model specific to the proposal describing life cycle of the products, from raw materials to consumer delivery to reuse.

Sustainable design plastic recycling

Branding & Logo

We also created the startup’s brand identity, which we then applied to their website and social media channels.

The logo represents the elements that are critical to the circular economy and to their manufacturing process, where:
Yellow = sunlight
Light blue = air
Dark blue = sea
Brown = land
Green = the Biological Cycle (compost)
Gray = the Technical Cycle (reuse/repair/recycle)